Ohio Online Therapy

Overcoming: Psychological and Relational Therapy Solutions, LLC, is a telehealth only practice. That means that individual, couple, or family therapy is provided only online.

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Virtual Therapy

Dr. Poma provides virtual therapy for clients in Ohio, including Columbus, OH; Cleveland, OH; Dayton, OH; Akron, OH; Youngstown, OH; and Cincinatti, OH. Doing therapy online can be slightly different from going into an office for therapy. Research has shown online therapy to be just as effective as in person therapy, in general. For many people, the convenience of doing therapy from your office on your lunch hour or from your home after the children are in bed can be a benefit. Others prefer to schedule things like family or couples’ therapy when their spouse or family member is off of work. The lack of a need to commute to and from a therapy office is a major benefit of telehealth. However, certain kinds of therapy can be better done in person. In addition, like all other aspects of therapy, how you do therapy is personal. If you’re uncomfortable with technology or can’t guarantee privacy, online therapy is likely not a good fit for you.
Virtual therapy does require a few things from you, specifically around your setup. Overcoming requires you to establish encrypted email so that we can have secure communication. In addition, you need to be sure you have privacy. Overcoming and clients have to work out a way to pay your bill virtually (there are a few options for this). You also need to be able to ensure that you have privacy wherever you’re doing your virtual session. Although clients often retreat to their car for privacy during sessions, Dr. Poma will not conduct telehealth sessions with you while you are driving. Please reach out if you have any other questions about what virtual therapy in Ohio entails.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you only serve clients in Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Youngstown, and Akron?

No. I see clients virtually all over the state of Ohio. I can see clients in Hunting Valley, Coldstream, The Village of Indian Hill, Bentleyville, Concorde Hills, as well as more rural areas.

What do you specialize in?

I specialize in trauma/PTSD, Couples or marital therapy, faith-based therapy, and military/veteran families.

Can I use my insurance?

I do not accept insurance payments. I do, however, provide some clients with “superbills” that they submit to their insurance companies for out of network coverage, but I don’t know if your insurance will support this practice of reiumbursement. Many insurance companies do not cover couples’ therapy, which is one of my primary specialty areas, so I do not choose to work with insurance companies.