Highly Religious Individuals

Often individuals who are dedicated to their faith struggle with the idea of seeking mental health treatment. From their religious community, they may be told that they need to spend more time in prayer, worship, or study of their religious texts. They have have understood that mental health difficulties are really a lack of faith rather than a disorder that has psychological, chemical, and neurological bases. Some people are told the only appropriate treatment is from someone at their church, synagogue, mosque, or other religious group. Other people of faith are offered little in the way of support from their faith community, but warned against seeing psychologists because they might “try to talk you out of your faith as irrational.”

Are you concerned about seeking mental health treatment because you’re unsure how a therapist will respect (or judge) your religious beliefs? Are you struggling with mental health issues and a crisis of faith at the same time? Are you looking for a therapist who will not neglect your faith as part of your counseling, but is willing to help you explore your own faith beliefs and how it is relevant to your current struggles?

Dr. Poma has expertise in working with people that are highly religious in ways that are consistent with their faith. This was a specialized part of training at Regent University. If you’re interested in talking through these issues, you can reach out to Dr. Poma via email or call 330-227-4011  for a free fifteen-minute conversation to see if Overcoming is a good fit for you.

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